Friday 28 September 2012


Yup i can provide a twist to a true story to make it much more interesting

Like cousin-made Chiengmai umbrellas instead of umbrella for a rainy day. Or i was stucked with my door jammed in a traffic congestion. Adjective-wise

Whereabouts of Annie is on the air or rather daddy is going out with my girlfriend. Proverbs

Depends on the story-teller, people whom love to read sometimes read between the lines too. Everybody knows that.

For the imaginative one, every page is a turner. With so many apps to work on mastery of a language is handy indeed. We can enter our whims 'n brand new ideas at the click of the mouse. Furthermore, by switching apps, we minimise the risk of materials going to oblivion.

Fiction or not, there is no clear lines in between for easy contemplation. Reporting 'n writing has become more challenging to the producer 'n mind-boggling to the readers. More so as people from all walks of like have become more evolved with exposure to both old 'n new materials.

For those with strong sense of awareness, the collusion of old 'n latest innovative ideas available to the masses provide easy fodder for mind-enhancement.

This of course doesn't spell the end of light materials make do for easy reading. The future of prints is looking bright as ever.

My hobby of reading certainly will go a long way 'n spare the distance ( :

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