Thursday 16 January 2014

Going gaga

Amusing to the things people do in time of stress. Biting fingernails. Going in circles. Heavy drinking. Heavy puffing. i bet many have gone thru this kind of experience.

We are only human. God has made us. Perhaps this is a form of syndrome signalling the next course of action. Bucking up, pulling up one's socks n sit tight for the next ride.

Sanity will bore us down in the long run. insanity will do us no justice either. it boils down to enjoying our life momentously with the things we do well. And loving every minute of it.

Monetary concern is a form of restraint. While on the other hand, what society impose upon us is constraint. Be wise, stop thinking too much n start listening to your heart is a good option if not the best.

Come on, swallow one's pride one bit, be foolish n playful once in a while will chipped off the block upon our shoulder for sure.

For now, carry on with what's left off n join in the caravan of love.

Copyrighted James Chow

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