Friday, 11 December 2015

Don't shrug

Stressful. Just feel the pain. Get comfortable with whatever we are doing. A moment of great revelation lead us to haste. One thing leads to another. Where are we heading to? What we need to see as opposed to what can we see? So interesting. The advent of Internet has brought many things if not everything under one roof. Gone are the days where and when we run around like mad chickens to go about our business.

We get pissed off by run of the mill material. Bore us to dead. New issues like skin magazine and brand new car model attract the masses. A materialistic world. Young beautiful girls are eye-candies. To stay away from a wonderful feeling is antagonizing. We tend to get immersed in pleasure time and again. Why torture ourselves? Arrhhh.... there comes work. Thinking our way towards oblivion. In an ocean of task, take your pick. Manual and automation work hands in hand. Cultivating a disposable work ethic in an ever-changing world. And nothing beats the eating culture. Come to think of it, we just eat and savour whatever dish parlayed in front of us.

Hassle of communication. The world is our oyster. Many content with self-gratification in the hope of not inviting any impromptu intruders into our private solace. Meditation and sleep is bliss. What is life for anyway? A life of pain and suffering with endless work? Or taking time out for recreation? We can only know better as the passage of time leaving us with the hallmark of aging. Sickness and inconvenience in daily affair follows. Arguments and resent rule conversation often. The spirit of listening is regarded honorary by the good. Somehow, evil often triumph. Nasty remarks are ubiquitous daily. Many resort to pulling a quick one on the unfortunate ones. Sad but true.

We can only learn to be wiser for the future. So much has been said since time immemorial but we still practise an honest day's work to continue our effort in thriving an ever-changing economic landscape. Live and let die.

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